Thursday 25.01.2024

Suspension MC Session
nancy nancy

Start of registration

Getting startet – Tutorial
Anika Rettig, Berlin, Désirée Kunkel, Berlin, Axel R Schulz, Berlin Chair: Sarah Warth, Ulm

Coffee break
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nancy nancy

Invited talk by Noel de Miranda
Leiden, the Netherlands
Charting the Cancer Battlefield: Unraveling Tumor Microenvironments and Immunotherapy Dynamics

Techno bites
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Lunch break & networking
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Imaging MC session
Talk by Dieter Henrik Heiland, Freiburg
Short Talks by Adrian Huck, Berlin, Marieke Ijsselsteijn, Leiden, The Netherlands

Coffee break
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Coffee break
nancy nancy

News from … Part 1
News from… Dresden by Sebastian Thieme & Ralf Wiedemuth, ... Freiburg by Henrike Salie, … Heidelberg by Felix Hartmann, … Berlin (MPI) by Maia Pesic, … Erlangen by Luis Munoz

Poster session & dinner
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