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8th German Mass Cytometry User Forum (GMCUF) 2025 in Jena
Dear friends of mass cytometry,
Welcome to the 8th German Mass Cytometry User Forum, taking place on February 11th and 12th, 2025, in Jena. For many of us, this annual meeting has become more than just a scientific conference – it is a chance to reconnect with familiar faces, share our latest findings, and collectively reflect on the progress we have made as mass cytometrists.
This year’s meeting, hosted by Sabine Baumgart and Diana Dudziak from Jena University Hospital, again features a rich and varied program. We are excited to present talks from four distinguished keynote speakers: Carl Lee (University of Oxford), Daniel Bachurski (University of Cologne), Sonia Gavasso (University of Bergen), and Denis Shapiro (Heidelberg University Hospital). Moreover, we will feature the ever-popular “Getting Started” tutorial, and the “News from” sessions, where mass cytometry and imaging mass cytometry sites from Germany and Austria share their latest developments.
The poster session, always a lively part of the forum, will showcase innovative work and provide an excellent opportunity for in-depth discussions. We are pleased to once again recognize outstanding contributions with a poster prize. Additionally, we will award the best abstract-selected talk, both of which are generously sponsored by Dotmatics.
We would like to thank our eight industry partners, some of whom are joining us for the first time. Their support plays a crucial role in making this event possible. We truly appreciate their contribution and look forward to seeing their latest developments and innovations.
Whether this is your first time attending or you have been with us since the early days, we hope you will find these two days in Jena to be enriching, engaging, and enjoyable.
Best wishes,
The organizers of the GMCUF
Sabine Baumgart, Bertram Bengsch, Desiree Kunkel, Henrik Mei, Sarah Warth, Ute Hoffmann, Jacqueline Hirscher, and Axel Schulz
We will meet onsite only.
Participant fee: 100 Euro. Industry participant: 350 Euro. Registration via Doo:
The program framework is set, some speakers will be added. Check back from time to time.
Jena University Hospital
Hörsaal Psychiatrie
Philosophenweg 3
07743 Jena
Our sponsors

About the Network
We strive for excellence in mass cytometry
The German Mass Cytometry Network comprises all academic mass cytometry platforms in Germany, providing a framework for networking within the local and international community and for knowledge transfer to achieve technological and scientific excellence.
Get in touch
If you have any questions or just want to say hello, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’ll get back to you soon.