3rd German Mass Cytometry User Forum

Thank you for a great meeting!

3rd German Mass Cytometry User Forum – a look back
The 3rd German Mass Cytometry User Forum held on January 23rd – 24th 2020 in Berlin was a great success. The Forum was organized by the German Mass Cytometry Network, GerMaNet in collaboration with the German Rheumatism Research Center Berlin, DRFZ, a Leibniz-Institute, to link mass cytometry laboratories in Berlin, Munich, Ulm, Cologne, Freiburg and Dresden to each other and internationally, to promote networking and exchange within the mass cytometry community in and around Germany.

With more than 100 visitors – experts and novices in mass cytometry – from Germany and eleven other countries, the German Mass Cytometry User Forum has established itself as the leading hub for mass cytometry topics in Germany with international impact.
Seven invited speakers, workshops and seven selected abstracts covered mass cytometry technology & reagents, different areas of biomedical research, experimental setup and controls, and computational data mining and visualization.

The International Society for the Advancement of Cytometry (ISAC) kindly supported the ISAC lecture held by Michael D. Leipold, PhD (Stanford University, School of Medicine) about his experiences with his unmatched experiences with mass cytometry technology, study planning, and assay setup.

We applaud the winner of this years’ poster prize, Tomer Meir Salame (Flow Cytometry Unit, Life Sciences Core Facilities, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel) for his contribution on “High-Dimensional Single-Cell Mass Cytometry Analysis in Murine Models of Alzheimer´s Disease & Tauopathy upon PD-L1 immune checkpoint blockade”.

We are very grateful for the presence of the industry and their support for the Forum that helped designing the meeting and contributed to its scientific and forward looking spirit. We thank all speakers, chairs, workshop and poster tour moderators, abstract presenters, organizers, all members of the DRFZ Mass Cytometry Lab, and all participants for making this a wonderful and memorable event.

We look forward to the next German Mass Cytometry User Forum in 2021. Stay tuned!

Henrik Mei,
on behalf of the GerMaNet steering committee
