1st German Mass Cytometry User Forum

Our first German Mass Cytometry User Forum took place on February 1 and 2, 2018 in Berlin, aiming to bring together mass cytometry enthusiasts from Germany and guests from European partner labs to connect and establish a local, highly interactive platform for technological and scientific knowledge transfer and collaboration.

We welcomed 83 mass cytometry operators and users of all levels of expertise, covering a wide range of topics from basic mass cytometry workflows and reagents to advanced data analysis tools. Scientific talks were accompanied by interactive discussions, giving participants a chance to pick the brains of an expert panel.

Young scientists and students were put in the spotlight in two abstract talk sessions and a poster session, giving them a chance to introduce themselves and their projects to the community and to receive feedback on their ongoing work.

This first meeting provided a great opportunity to meet the German mass cytometry platforms and their local communities and to exchange ideas for existing, as well as exciting new collaborative research projects. We would like to thank all speakers and participants, as well as our industry partners and sponsors for making this event an informative and enjoyable two days and for fostering collaboration beyond the scope of this conference! We are looking forward to seeing you all again in 2019!

Henrik Mei,
on behalf of the GerMaNet steering committee